Shared Braincell

The race to World First

(in being cool)

Badass Orc doing real dance moves

Nyaa~! Hewwo from Shared Braincell! (*^▽^)/ Get weady to embark on a kawaii journey wike no othew as you step into the weawm of Azeowof wif the most ewite guild in the wowld. (*≧ω≦)

Fowge Yer Wegacy

This is nyot just a guild; it's a wegacy in the making. Shared Braincell is youw gatewày to a wowwd whewe gaming weaches nyew heights. Join us, and togefew, we'ww wedefinye what it means to be wegendawy in Azeowof. (灬º‿º灬)♡ Hit that join button, and wet the epic jouwney begin! (*≧ω≦)

God Emperor Shrine

Badass Orc doing real dance moves

Yeah, we have a God Emperor.